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發(fā)布:2024/7/11 8:0:9


  • 1.Charlotte Whitehead was born in England in 1843,and moved to Montreal,Canada at the age five with her family.At 18 she married and(1)
    a family.Several years later,Charlotte said she wanted to be a(2)
    .Her husband supported her decision.
    ,Canadian medical schools did not(4)
    women students at the time.Therefore,Charlotte went to the United States to study medicine at the Women's Medical College in Philadelphia.It took her five years to(5)
    her medical degree.
       Upon graduation,Charlotte returned to Montreal and set up a private clinic.Three years later,she moved to Winnipeg,and became a busy doctor again.Charlotte(6)
    herself operating on damaged limbs and setting(7)
    bones,in addition to delivering all the babies in the area.
       But Charlotte had been practicing without a license.She had(8)
    a doctor's license in both Montreal and Winnipeg,but was(9)
    .The Manitoba College of Physicians and Surgeons wanted her to complete her studies at a Canadian medical college!Charlotte refused.So in 1887,she appealed to the Manitoba Legislature to issue a license to her but they,too,refused.Charlotte(10)
    to practice without a license until 1912.
       In 1993,77 years after her death,a medical license was issued to Charlotte.This decision was made by the Manitoba Legislature to honor "this courageous and pioneering woman."

    (1) A.invented B.selected C.consumed D.started
    (2) A.doctor B.chef C.lawyer D.operator
    (3) A.Besides B.Unfortunately C.Overall D.Eventually
    (4) A.hire B.entertain C.trust D.accept
    (5) A.delay B.save C.earn D.design
    (6) A.helped B.found C.troubled D.imagined
    (7) A.harmful B.tired C.broken D.weak
    (8) A.put away B.taken over C.turned in D.applied for
    (9) A.punished B.refused C.blamed D.fired
    (10) A.proceeded B.promised C.anticipated D.screamed



  • 2.Sports like figure skating,ice hockey,speed skating,and ski jumping have been part of Olympic history since the first Winter Olympics were hosted in France,in 1924.But the origins of many Olympic sports stretch back even further.
    ωThe ancient origins of skiing
       Skiing has been around since early civilization,evidenced by a 5,000-year-old rock carving showing men on skis in Norway,and the discovery of a ski dating back to 6000 B.C.found in Russia.Modern skiing can be traced back to the Scandinavians,who primarily used skis as a means of travel or for other practical purposes.Some of the first official competitions began around 1850 in Norway,with the first recorded race in Sweden held outside Stockholm in 1879.
       The British are the ones who transformed skiing from its Scandinavian roots into the highly competitive sport it is now.Alpine skiing or downhill skiing is the most popular form of skiing,and it first appeared in the Winter Olympics in 1936.
    ωThe development of snowboarding
       Snowboarding originated as a backyard activity known as snurfing—invented by a father to entertain children.
       In 1965,Sherman Poppen of Muskegon,Michigan,was looking for something his children could use as a sled.He tied together two skis—creating a toy he named "Snurfer".Less than a year,the toy exploded into a national craze.
       Although an annual championship in Muskegon was sponsored by the makers of the Snurfer,competitors began to create their own boards.Because Poppen had trademarked the term Snurfer,they began to call the sport snowboarding instead.By 1985,snurfing fell out of fashion,but snowboarding had caught on worldwide.It finally became an official Olympic sport for the 1998 Games.
    ωThe earliest evidence of curling
       The predecessor (前身) of curling is a Scottish game in the 16th century played on frozen lakes and ponds,using smooth stones from riverbeds.
       Centuries later,the first curling club was founded in Scotland and received the approval of Queen Victoria in 1843.In the sport,players slide the stones toward a target—earning more points the closer the stone lands to the center.By the 20th century,curling was so widespread that it was one of the few sports played in the first Olympic Games in 1924.

    (1)The first recorded skiing race was held in
    (2)What can be learned about snowboarding from this passage?

    A.It became well known before 1965.
    B.It originated from the toy "Snurfer".
    C.It was invented as a means of travel.
    D.It was named by the inventor Poppen.
    (3)Which sports appeared in the first Olympic Games in 1924?

    A.Snurfing and ice hockey.
    B.Skating and Alpine skiing.
    C.Figure skating and curling.
    D.Snowboarding and ski jumping.

  • 3.Looking good,feeling goodBorn to a model mom and a suit maker dad,fashion was actually in my blood.I always had a strong desire to dress in a certain way and to stand out from the crowd.
    I made my own toys when I was a young child and sewed my first skirt at just 10 years old.A friend's mother took one look at my skirt and told me that I should be a pattern maker.In high school I started making my own clothes,mostly changing other things because I never liked anything how it was when I bought it.During the last two years of school,I worked part-time for a small business that made hand-painted silk clothing and bags.The owner became the teacher who got me into design in the first place.Another useful bit of work experience then came when I worked at a showroom during fashion week and found it very exciting.From there I worked at a top clothing store while I got my business started.
    For my business I started out with the idea that everything I did would be hand-made and one-of-a-kind,specially made for one individual who hopefully had the same tastes as me.Every morning I jumped out of bed,went to my studio and worked on my projects.This just showed how enthusiastic I felt about my work.And at night I even dreamed of new designs!
    Fashion design is functional art.What I mean is that it's something close to you and something you can touch and feel,and actually interact with.My advice to any young person who wants to be a fashion designer is to get the basic skills early on,such as sewing and pattern-making.Even if you end up specializing,it's really important to understand all aspects of design in order to make high-quality clothes.
    Also,if you dream of having your own clothing line,the best thing to do is start wearing your clothes.You have to try and do this because that's the way you're going to develop something that's all yours and unlike anyone else's.I passionately believe that the right clothing can make people feel better and give them more confidence.
    (1)When the author was in high school,she

    A.wore the latest fashions
    B.was fond of hand-painted clothing
    C.began to make clothes on her own
    D.dressed in the same way as her classmates
    (2)What does the underlined word"functional"in Paragraph 4 probably mean?

    (3)What advice does the author give to those who want to be fashion designers?

    A.Creating basic designs in high school.
    B.Wearing high-quality clothes all the time.
    C.Looking at what their friends are wearing.
    D.Deciding what is unique about their clothes.
    (4)According to the author,well-designed clothes

    A.cost people a lot of money
    B.bring people great success
    C.provide people with popular taste
    D.help people feel sure of themselves.

  • 菁優(yōu)網4.A group of researchers led by Patrick Yu-Wai-Man.an ophthalmologist (眼科醫(yī)師) at Cambridge University,investigated a new genetic therapy for a form of blindness.Officially,their study was a failure.But it was also a great success,for 29 of the 37 participants reported big improvements in their vision.
       The disease in question is Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON)(遺傳性視神經病變) .A defective gene leads to sudden and rapid loss of sight,with many sufferers becoming legally blind within a year.It affects between one in 30,000 and one in 50,000 people.Men in their 20s and 30s are particularly at high risk.Since most cases are caused by a mutation (突變) in a single gene,LHON is a good candidate for gene therapy,a form of genetic engineering which aims to replace the defective gene with a working one.
       With that in mind.Dr Yu-Wai-Man and his colleagues loaded up a changed virus with a corrected copy of the gene and injected it into their patients' eyes.The researchers controlled the experiment by injecting only one of each patient's eyes--chosen at random--with the virus.The other eye was given a fake injection.Using two eyes in the same patient makes for a perfect control.
       The surprise came several months later.The researchers had hoped to see a big improvement in the treated eyes,compared with the untreated ones.They did not,for which the study failed in its primary objective.Instead,in more than three quarters of their patients,they saw significant improvements in both eyes.
       On the face of it,that was odd.Only one eye had received the treatment,after all.Follow-up studies in monkeys confirmed what the researchers had suspected.The virus,it seemed,had found a way to travel from one eye to the other,probably via the optic nerve.Tissues and fluids samples from monkeys given the same treatment as the human patients showed viral DNA in both eyes,not just one.
       Although it had a happy outcome in this case,the prospect of a gene-therapy virus travelling to places it is not intended to go to might worry regulators.Fortunately,the researchers found no trace of the virus elsewhere in the monkeys' bodies.And.though the study was technically a failure,its practical success means that an effective treatment for LHON may at last be in reach.

    (1)LHON is chosen in this study because it

    A.can be easily cured
    B.affects young males mostly
    C.is a common disease among people
    D.results from a mutation in a single gene
    (2)Why was the study a great success despite a failure officially?

    A.Some participants suffered loss of sight
    B.The vision of both eyes improved greatly
    C.All the participants gave positive feedback
    D.The virus didn't replace the damaged gene
    (3)The experiment on monkeys is mentioned in order to

    A.confirm the virus travels across eyes
    B.prove the virus can affect other body parts
    C.show the effect of the treatment on animals
    D.highlight regulators' worry about gene-therapy
    (4)Which is the best title for the passage?

    A.The Future of Gene Therapy
    B.The Blessing for Eye Patients
    C.Gene Therapy:Eyeball to Eyeball
    D.Virus Treatment:From Humans to Monkeys



  • 5.What is a Food Critic A food critic is a writer who specializes in writing criticisms of food.Like theater and movie critics,food critics are supposed to provide thoughtful,well-informed,and objective information to the public so that members of the public can make decisions about where to spend their money. (1)
    However some may also engage in more general food writing.
       Becoming a food critic takes time.Many food critics pursue professional experiences in the world of food,attending culinary schools,working in restaurants,participating in farming,and so forth. (2)
    A good food critic is extremely knowledgeable about food,from how certain foods are harvested to the history of various dishes.Food critics also have very well-developed palates,and they may specialize in a particular area.
    Food critics may move between publishers over the course of their careers,or start working for the food section of a paper and working up to a position as a food critic.A handful of critics become well known and well respected,with most primarily being known only in the area they serve.
       Professional integrity is very important for food critics.Many make reservations and visit restaurants anonymously,so that they get an idea of how a restaurant serves ordinary customers.They also make repeat visits so that they can make fair and balanced assessments of a restaurant and its offerings. (4)
    Implications of favoritism or bribery can ruin the reputation of a food critic.
       This is what food critics are like.They describe and evaluate the food,providing opinions on its quality. (5)
    These can be used as a reference for readers to make decisions.

    A.Food critics have the right to score the restaurant.
    B.It's important for them to be familiar with varieties of food.
    C.Avoidance of gifts from restaurateurs is also very important.
    D.Therefore,they can learn about every aspect of the food industry.
    E.After considering all aspects of the dining experience,they generate ratings.
    F.Food critics primarily write about restaurants from fast food establishments to fancy restaurants.
    G.Once a food critic has gained experience,he or she can start writing articles for magazines and newspapers.



  • 15.What makes some people incapable of apologizing even when they're clearly in the wrong?
        People who cannot apologize often have deep feelings of low self-worth.When their delicate ego(自我) cannot absorb the blow of admitting they were wrong,their defense mechanisms kick in—they may place blame and even argue about basic facts to prevent the threat of having to lower themselves by offering an apology.
        Unfortunately,many of us mistakenly interpret these people's defensiveness as a sign of psychological strength.That's because outwardly they appear to be tough individuals who refuse to back down.But this doesn't show that they're strong—it shows that they're weak.
        Admitting that we're wrong is emotionally uncomfortable and painful to our sense of self.In order to take responsibility and apologize,our self-worth needs to be strong enough to absorb that discomfort.Indeed,if our self-worth is higher and more stable,we can tolerate the temporary discomfort that such an admission involves—without the walls around our ego falling down.
        But if our self-worth is seemingly high but actually breakable,that discomfort can go through our defensive walls and score a direct hit to our ego.Indeed,the more fixed one's defense mechanisms are,the more delicate the ego they're protecting.
        The mistake we often make when faced with someone who's habitually incapable of apologizing is to become angry and try to win our argument with them.But the sad reality is that we can never win.In these situations,the best we can do is make our points as calmly and as convincingly as we can and then disengage from the argument when it becomes unproductive—like when they disagree with the facts,come up with silly excuses or turn to mean remarks.

    (1)Why can't some people apologize?

    (2)What do many people mistakenly think of a non-apologizer's defensiveness?

    (3)Please decide which part is false in the following statement,then underline it and explain why.
    ?When you are trying to win an argument with a non-apologizer,the best way is to express your anger and make your point as calmly and convincingly as possible.

    (4)In addition to what is mentioned in the passage,what else can you do if your friend refuses to apologize to you? (In about 40 words)



  • 16.你的英國朋友Jim所在的學校要組織學生來中國旅行,有兩條線路可以選擇:"長江之行"或者"泰山之旅"。Jim來信希望你能給些建議。請你給他回信,內容包括:
    Dear Jim,
    Li Hua

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