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發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0


  • 1.Female journalists who changed the world Helen Thomas
       Helen was a White House reporter who had a front row seat of history as she interviewed ten American presidents across her career.She was praised for her cruel drive,with one White House press secretary describing her questioning as torture(拷問).Her refusal to hide her strong opinions,even when asking questions to a president,made her one of the best-known journalists in Washington and a rule in her field.
       Marie Colvin
       The passionate and award-winning American journalist Marie Colvin worked as a foreign reporter at The Sunday Times from 1985 until she died in February 2012,while covering the Siege of Homs(姆斯的圍攻)in Syria.Marie crossed into Syria on the back of a motorcycle,ignoring the Syrian government's attempt to prevent foreign journalists from entering the country.
       Mary Garber
       In 1946,sports journalism was a man's job where female sports writers weren't allowed to enter press boxes.Mary Garber changed that by paving the way for female sports writers.She first covered high school sports and then reported on college athletics.In June 2005,she became the first woman to receive the Associated Press Sports Editors' Red Smith Award,presented annually since 1981 for major contributions to sports journalism.
       Ann Leslie
       Few reporters have filed stories from more than 70 countries,but British journalist Ann Leslie is considered a unique force in journalism.Because the 73-year-old woman has witnessed and reported on some of the most significant events of the late 20th century.She was there when the Berlin Wall came down,and she lost her shoes in the crush waiting for Nelson Mandela's release.

    (1)What do we know about Helen from Paragraph 1?

    A.She made friends with ten American presidents.
    B.She liked to make her strong opinions known.
    C.She often got into trouble due to her questions.
    D.She was regarded as the best journalist in America.
    (2)From Paragraph 2 we can infer that Marie Colvin
    A.was a very brave woman
    B.enjoyed riding a motorcycle
    C.was awarded by the Syrian government
    D.was killed by the Syrian government
    (3)Who opens the door for women sports reporters?

    A.Helen Thomas.
    B.Marie Colvin.
    C.Mary Garber.
    D.Ann Leslie.

  • 2.It was late one evening.I can't remember what it was about,but my Dad and I had a very big argument when my mother was away.We both said things we didn't mean,and in the end I said, "I'm leaving." And he said, "Good.The sooner,the better."
       I threw a few things in the suitcase and closed the door violently behind me,not knowing where I was going.After walking aimlessly for 20 minutes,I stopped at a local supermarket.Then my phone rang.It was my mom calling.She said, "Hey,Mary.Where are you?Dad is worried about you."
       "How can he worry about me?I've been away for nearly half an hour,but he didn't call." I said with annoyance.My anger returned and I remembered all the hateful things he'd shouted to me. "Listen,Mom.You can tell Dad that I'm fine.I'll call you tomorrow." I said and hung up.
       I walked around the supermarket,trying to get my thoughts together.By the time I paid for my purchases,it had been much later than I used to be out alone.When I left the supermarket,a large piece of white paper was in front of me.On the piece of white paper were these words: "Please come home!I miss you and I'm worried about you!"
       Then a car pulled up beside me.Hanging out of the window was my Dad.Besides him,smiling gently,sat my mom.And that's when I started laughing.I laughed so hard that I cried.Despite(盡管) my best effort to run away from home,my father finally managed to track me down.I couldn't leave now,not with him sitting there with caring eyes.

    (1)Why does Mary leave home ?

    A.had to make her own living.
    B.had a bad performance at school.
    C.had an argument with her mother.
    D.had a big argument with her father.
    (2)What does Mary do,after her mother called her,
    A.tried to calm down
    B.forgave her father
    C.became angrier than before
    D.a(chǎn)greed to go home
    (3)What does the underlined word "purchases" in Paragraph 4 mean?

    A.goods Mary bought.
    B.a(chǎn)ctions Mary regretted (后悔).
    C.telephone calls Mary made.
    D.lessons Mary learned.
    (4)What probably happened at the end of the story?

    A.Mary still refused to go home.
    B.Mary returned home happily.
    C.Mary's father became angry again.
    D.Mary's mother was angry with her father.

  • 3.There are two types of people in the world.Although they have equal degree of health and wealth and other comforts of life,one becomes happy and the other becomes unhappy.This arises from the different ways in which they consider things,persons,events and the resulting effects upon their minds.
       People who are to be happy fix their attention on the convenience of things:the pleasant parts of conversation,the well-prepared dishes,the goodness of the wine and the fine weather.They enjoy all the cheerful things.Those who are to be unhappy think and speak only of the opposite things.Therefore,they are continually dissatisfied.By their remarks,they sour the pleasure of society,hurt many people,and make themselves disagreeable everywhere.If this turn of mind was founded in nature,such unhappy persons would be the more to be pitied.The intention of criticizing and being disliked is perhaps taken up by imitation.It grows into a habit,unknown to its possessors.The habit may be strong,but it may be cured when those who have it realize its bad effects on their interests and tastes.I hope this little warning may be of service to them,and help them change this habit.
       Although in fact it is chiefly an act of the imagination,it has serious results in life since it brings on deep sorrow and bad luck.Those people hurt many others;nobody loves them,and no one treats them with more than the most common politeness and respect.This frequently puts them in bad temper and draws them into arguments.If they aim at getting some advantages in social position or fortune,nobody wishes them success.Nor will anyone start a step or speak a word to favor their hopes.If they bring on themselves public objections,no one will defend or excuse them,and many will join to criticize their wrongdoings.They should change this bad habit and be pleased with what is pleasing,without worrying needlessly about themselves and others.If they do not,it will be good for others to avoid any contact with them.Otherwise,it can be disagreeable and sometimes very inconvenient,especially when one becomes mixed up in their quarrels.

    (1)What does the underlined phrase "sour the pleasure of society" most probably mean?

    A.Making others unhappy.
    B.Enjoying the pleasure of life.
    C.Tending to please others openly.
    D.Having a good taste with social life.
    (2)What can we conclude from the text?

    A.We should pity all such unhappy people.
    B.People can get rid of the habit of unhappiness.
    C.Such unhappy people are dangerous to social life.
    D.Unhappy people cannot understand happy persons.
    (3)If such unhappy persons insist on keeping the habit,the author suggests people should
    A.show no respect and politeness to them.
    B.prevent any communication with them.
    C.persuade them to recognize the bad effects.
    D.quarrel with them until they realize the mistakes.
    (4)What is the purpose of the text?

    A.To describe two types of people in the world:happy and unhappy.
    B.To laugh at unhappy people and let us avoid such kind of people.
    C.To suggest unhappy people remove the habits of unhappiness.
    D.To suggest people should fix their attention on happy things.

  • 4.The COVID-19 disaster will have many losers,but it already has one clear winner:big tech.The large digital platforms,including Alphabet and Facebook,will come out of the crisis even stronger.They should use this good chance to reset their sometimes tense relations with their users.Otherwise the government is likely to do it for them.
       Demand for online services has exploded and the infrastructure behind the internet has proved to be admirably reliable.Newcomers such as Slack and Zoom,which help businesses operate remotely,have become household names.Facebook has said that messaging activity has increased by 50% in those countries hit hard by the virus.Amazon is planning to hire 100,000 new staff to keep up with higher e-commerce.
       Just as the big firms are standing even taller,many of the tech industry's younger,smaller firms are being crushed since the dotcom crash 20 years ago.Even before the coronavirus hit,trouble was starting to develop.Among many firms catering to consumers,the strategy of growing at all costs had turned out to be problematic.Some firms had already started laying off people.All this will make it easier for the big firms to hire the best talent.
       Ifthat happens,it is likely that regulators will do little or nothing to stop a round of expansion.In America antitrust(反壟斷) investigations against Alphabet,Google's parent,and Facebook have essentially been put on hold,as officials deal with other priorities during a crisis.A new federal privacy law seems further away than ever.Even tech skeptics in the European Union want to rethink their approach to regulating artificial intelligence(AI).In an abrupt twist,big tech's business practice is essential to deal with the virus.Yet before COVID-19,such activity would have caused howls of great anger over privacy and prejudice.
       In fact,more than ever it is clear that big tech firms play vital roles.There lies the trap,because almost everywhere other big firms,such as water or electricity,are heavily regulated and have their prices and profits capped(規(guī)定限額).Once this crisis passes,concerned citizens and governments could make a push for the state to have similar control over big tech.
       The companies seem to sense this danger.Their best defence is to propose a new deal to the citizens of the world.That means clear rules on how they publish and moderate content,helping users own,control and profit from their own data,as well as fair treatment of competitors that use their platforms.This approach may even be more profitable in the long run.Today the most valuable firm in America is Microsoft,which has been more successful by building a reputation for being trustworthy.

    (1)The writer suggests the big techs use the outbreak of COVID-19 to

    A.escape from the crisis of large digital platforms
    B.improve their relationship with their users
    C.a(chǎn)sk for help from the government
    D.demand more online services and reliable infrastructure
    (2)What has led big tech firms' business to increase rapidly?

    A.The crush of the tech industry.
    B.The strategy of growing at all costs.
    C.The stricter antitrust investigations.
    D.The loosened government regulations.
    (3)What does "that" in Paragraph 4 refer to?

    A.The easier access of best tech talents to big tech firms.
    B.The severe unemployment rate in companies.
    C.The fast spread of the coronavirus.
    D.A new round of expansion of big firms.
    (4)In Paragraph 6,Microsoft is used as an example of

    A.benefiting from good relations with its users
    B.catering to consumers whatever they want
    C.sensing danger from other big firms in time
    D.being heavily regulated by the government



  • 5.Forging a 5 G future
    The future in sci-fi movies seems so close,yet so far away.Delightfully,5 G technology makes that future look easily achievable.Schools,hospitals,transportation,factories—even our homes will soon use this powerful wireless network.Last year,China started testing 5 G mobile networks in its several cities.So what is 5 G?It's the latest generation of cellular (蜂窩狀的)network technology.(1)

       5 G's benefits mainly come from speed and connectivity(連接).(2)

       People will be able to use the Internet at a much greater speed than before.Imagine being able to download an entire movie in just a few seconds!That's how fast 5 G will be.
    For example,one of the biggest problems with developing driverless cars is the delay between sending a signal and receiving it.Driverless cars must be able to react instantly to sudden changes in their environment,such as a dog running across the road.This will require these cars to send and receive huge amounts of data within milliseconds(毫秒).(4)
    It will also allow doctors to perform operations remotely,using robots.The robots will respond more quickly to the doctors' movements.
       So what about 5 G's connectivity?(5)
    .Imagine having a smart home that automatically turns the lights on when you open your front door.
       "New things become possible when you can move information at a massive scale," Gordon Smith,CEO of telecom equipment reseller Sagent,told The Telegraph. "5 G becomes the great enabler. "
       No matter where it is implemented,it looks like 5 G will bring us a more exciting and convenient future.

    A.We may develop "smart" environments with it.
    B.Such speed helps other technologies,too.
    C.5 G will make this possible.
    D.It connects people's lives in various ways.
    E.It is faster and more stable than 4 G,the previous generation.
    F.With 5 G,people can conveniently solve many problems.
    G.The advantage of higher speeds is obvious.



  • 6.The story happened years ago,when my daughter was still little.
    I was driving across the country with my daughter to (1)
    my husband.Since I intended to get to my destination before supper time,I drove (2)
    for a long time without a stop.Then after driving for many miles,I became tired and needed to stop for a break to get(3)

    I found a rest area.It was mostly deserted,in a quiet area of the highway.I parked the car and carried my(4)
    into the restroom.When I came out I saw a middleaged(5)
    wandering around.Feeling(6)
    about that,I asked the lady.What(7)
    me was:they were waiting for us!
    The lady told me that she and her husband wanted to see us safely back into our(8)
    .She explained that sometimes rest areas could be a(9)
    place for a young lady like me.She told me that she had a daughter almost my age,so they wanted to make sure that I got safely back on my way.
    I was very touched by their(10)
    .Being young,and probably naive to the potential(11)
    of rest areas,it had never occurred to me that there was any possibility of something going wrong.I(12)
    them for their kindness.My daughter and I continued our journey and(13)
    our destination safely.
    I never got their names but years have passed and their kindness is still not (14)
    .Sometimes angels come in makeup and just because you can't see their(15)
    it doesn't mean they aren't angels.
    (1) A.desert B.stop C.join D.save
    (2) A.slowly B.quickly C.safely D.quietly
    (3) A.excited B.bored C.interested D.refreshed
    (4) A.daughter B.luggage C.license D.car
    (5) A.lady B.man C.couple D.a(chǎn)ngel
    (6) A.a(chǎn)ngry B.curious C.jealous D.terrible
    (7) A.surprised B.worried C.a(chǎn)nnoyed D.upset
    (8) A.room B.car C.a(chǎn)rea D.park
    (9) A.quiet B.noisy C.dangerous D.safe
    (10) A.devotion B.honesty C.potential D.consideration
    (11) A.stops B.dangers C.mistakes D.changes
    (12) A.forgave B.a(chǎn)sked C.thanked D.blamed
    (13) A.reached B.left C.missed D.passed
    (14) A.seen B.forgotten C.deserted D.recognized
    (15) A.kindness B.safety C.faces D.wings



  • 7.Something significant is happening to the world population-it is aging.The median(中位數(shù)的)age of an American in 1950 (1)
    (be)30-today it is 41 and is expected(2)
    (increase)to 42 by 2050.For Japan,the (3)
    (number)are more striking-22 in 1950,46 today and 53 in 2050.In 2015,one in 12 people around the world were over 65:by 2050,it will be one in six.
        This aging of the population is driven (4)
    two factors.The first is declining birth rates,which means old generations are large (5)
    (compare)to younger generations,and so,on average.the population becomes(6)
    (old)than before.This is (7)
    (particular) true in the US.The second reason is that people are living longer.A child born in the US today has(8)
    very realistic chance of living beyond 100 and needs to plan accordingly.
         People tend to focus on the first factor.However,greater attention should(9)
    place on(longevity).It isn't just that people are,on average,living longer.It's also that they are on average healthier (10)
    more productive for longer.Therefore,they can work for longer,consume more and in general be a boost to the economy.



  • 8.The President is committed to reforming health care.(  )

  • 9.It is vital to ensure that it continues successfully in the years ahead( ?。?/h2>

  • 10.It's difficult to achieve your objective if you don't work hard.(  )

  • 11.Approaching the vehicle,they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken window.(  )

  • 12.Research indicates that eating habits are changing fast.( ?。?/h2>



  • 37.科技對農(nóng)業(yè)的發(fā)展很重要。
    agricultural development.



  • 38.假定你是校廣播站英語節(jié)目"Talk and Talk"的負(fù)責(zé)人李華,請給外教Caroline寫郵件邀請她做一次訪談。內(nèi)容包括:
    Dear Caroline,
    Yours sincerely,
    Li Hua

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