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  • 1.What will the woman do next?
    A.Buy a jacket for the man.
    B.Celebrate Julia's birthday.
    C.Look for a present for Julia.

  • 2.What are the speakers doing?
    A.Surfing the Internet.B.Looking for an apartment.
    C.Chatting with two Brazilian singers.

  • 3.What do we know about the woman's car?
    A.It is expensive.
    B.It can't be fixed at once.
    C.It was made in Germany.

  • 4.What does the man mean?
    A.The woman won't succeed in losing weight.
    B.The woman has lost lots of weight.
    C.The woman shouldn't go on a diet.

  • 5.What are the speakers mainly talking about?
    A.A company.
    B.Some reports.
    C.A new workmate.



  • 6.(1)Where does the conversation take place?
    A.At a train station.
    B.At an airport.
    C.At a coach station.
    (2)What is the man's suggestion?
    A.Sending a message to Helena.
    B.Going to the information desk.
    C.Getting something to drink.

  • 7.(1)What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
    B.Husband and wife.
    C.Policeman and witness.
    (2)According to the man,why was Ralph and Stefan's house broken into?
    A.They don't have security equipment at home.
    B.They pay little attention to the home safety.
    C.They often forget to lock the windows.
    (3)Where will the speakers go next?
    A.To a restaurant.
    B.To a cinema.
    C.To Ralph and Stefan's house.

  • 8.(1)What did the woman plan to do on Sunday at first?
    A.Review the lessons.
    B.Play with some classmates.
    C.Make plans for the final exams.
    (2)At what time will the party probably finish?
    A.6:00 p.m.
    B.7:00 p.m.
    C.8:00 p.m.
    (3)How does the woman react to the man's invitation?
    A.She refuses it politely.
    B.She accepts it joyfully.
    C.She will consider it.

  • 9.(1)How did the man feel about meeting the woman?
    (2)Why does die woman come to the Internet Cafe?
    A.To contact her friends.
    B.To lake training courses.
    C.To find some information.
    (3)What does the woman want to do after graduation?
    A.Work for a foreign company.
    B.Open an Internet Cafe.
    C.Study abroad.
    (4)What do the speakers agree?
    A.Sending e-mails is cheap and convenient
    B.The Internet Cafe is a good place to meet.
    C.It's bad to chat online at work.

  • 10.(1)How many people were there on the bus?
    (2)What were the students doing when die accident took place?
    A.Preparing for a concert.
    B.Enjoying music.
    (3)What can we learn from the news?
    A.The school had to be closed on Friday.
    B.Some of the injured are still under treatment.
    C.The accident was caused by careless driving.



  • 11.Real Hotels Featured in MoviesTimberline Lodge
    Featured in:The Shining
       Located on the south side of Mount Hood,Oregon,Timberline Lodge was used for some shots of the fictional Overlook Hotel in this 1980 horror film,based on Stephen King's best-selling novel.Hotel management asked director Stanley Kubrick not to show room 217(featured clearly in the book),concerned that future guests would avoid slaying there.A nonexistent room number 237 was used instead.Surprisingly,room 217 is now requested more than any other room.
    Park Hyatt Tokyo
    Featured in:Lost in Translation
       Located in the lively Shinjuku district,Park Hyatt Tokyo is a primary setting for Sofia Coppola's film Lost in Translation.Take a drink at the New York Bar on the hotel's top floor(where Bill Murray's Bob Harris spends most of his evenings)and enjoy wonderful 360-degree views of the city and Mount Fuji.
    Juvet Landscape Hotel
    Featured in:Ex Machina
       This sci-fi thriller takes place at the remote,ultra-modern home of tech company CEO Nathan Bateman,the inventor of a highly advanced humanoid robot.His amazing house is actually the Juvet Landscape Hotel in Valldalen,Norway.Designed to blend in with(與......協(xié)調(diào)) the environment,the hotel's rooms feature natural materials and floor-to-ceiling glass windows.
    The Plaza Hotel
    Featured in:Home Alone 2:Lost in New York
       After accidentally boarding a flight to New York while the rest of his family heads to Florida,10-year-old Kevin McCallister checks into the Plaza Hotel.For the 25th anniversary of Home Alone 2,the hotel is offering a special "Live Like Kevin" package,which includes an over-the-top ice cream sundae delivered to your room.The Plaza Hotel has been featured in several other films,including North by Northwest,Sleepless in Seattle and The Great Gatsby.

    (1)Why was Stanley Kubrick required to use room number 237?

    A.For safety concerns.
    B.For political concerns.
    C.For a cultural reason.
    D.For an economic reason.
    (2)Which hotel should you choose if you want to enjoy a mountain view?

    A.The Plaza Hotel.
    B.Park Hyatt Tokyo.
    C.Timberline Lodge.
    D.Juvet Landscape Hotel.
    (3)How is the Plaza Hotel different from the other three hotels?

    A.It charges people most for its service.
    B.It has branches all over the world.
    C.It has appeared in more than one film.
    D.It is designed in harmony with nature.

  • 12.One day,a few years ago,I was rushing from the pool when a man stopped me and said, "You must come to swim with the team." I was in my early 50s--- too old for a swim team,I thought.But the coach--- Igor was his name---insisted: "I can see you are a good swimmer."
       Encouraged,I joined his group of swimmers.Workouts started at 5:30 in the morning when most people were still in bed.Although we were all at different swimming levels,we had one thing in common:We wanted to get better.
       After a few days,a bunch of us were complaining about how little progress we were making,how slow we were.Igor smiled and said, "You are all confused!Speed is not the goal;it is the result of perfectly beautiful technique." What really mattered to Igor was the technique.Once you mastered that,he argued,speed would follow naturally.Speed was simply the welcome side effect of swimming well.
       I've been thinking lately that there's a lesson here that goes beyond the pool.We all wanted to swim faster and the more hysterically(歇斯底里般地)we tried,the more speed escaped us.The same goes for happiness.Everyone wants to be happy,yet the more directly we go after happiness,the more elusive (難以捕捉的)it becomes.
       Research shows that thinking too much about how to be happy actually weakens well-being.This is in part because all that thinking consumes a fair amount of time,and is not itself enjoyable.Study after study shows that good social relationships are the strongest,most consistent predictor of a happy life.
       Our technique has improved,thanks to Igor.Some days,I swim only a little faster than I did before.But even if I don't,I feel great.
       In the end,happiness is a side effect of living well - just like speed can be the result of excellent swimming technique.Now,if you'll excuse me,I'm off to the pool.

    (1)How did the author react when Igor invited him to join the team?

    A.He hesitated at first.
    B.He refused firmly.
    C.He accepted it at once.
    D.He consulted his coach.
    (2)Why did some teammates feel unhappy after a few days?

    A.They learned nothing new.
    B.They were unable to swim faster.
    C.They got up too early in the morning.
    D.They were at different swimming levels.
    (3)What happens when the author focuses on swimming?

    A.He becomes the best on the team.
    B.His social relationships have improved.
    C.He makes progress and enjoys himself.
    D.His swimming speed has increased greatly.
    (4)What can we know about happiness?

    A.Happiness comes to those trying hard to achieve it.
    B.Happiness is a side effect of a personal hobby.
    C.Happiness is a natural result of living well.
    D.Happiness arises from a healthy body.

  • 13.While elephants born without tusks(長牙)are not unheard they normally form just 2 to 6 percent of the population.However,that is not the case at Mozambique's Gorongosa National Park,where an astonishing 33 percent of female elephants born after the country's conflict ended in 1992 are tuskless.While that may appear to be just a coincidence,Joyce Poole,an elephant behavior expert,has another theory.The researcher thinks we may be witnessing unnatural evolution of the species due to the constant hunting of elephants for valuable ivory.
       Poole says before the country's 15-year-long conflict,the park was home to over 4,000 elephants.However,by the time the conflict ended in 1992,about 90 percent of them had been killed for ivory to get money.Of the less than 400 survivors,over 50 percent of adult females had no tusks.Therefore,it is not surprising that the park's tuskless elephant population has grown greatly.
       This is not the first time researchers have observed a great change in the population of elephants.At Zambia's South Luangwa National Park and Luangwa Game Management Area,areas which were heavily hunted in the 1970s and 1980s,35% of elephants 25 years old or older and 13% of those younger than 25 are now without tusks.A 2008 study published in the African Journal of Ecology found that the number of tuskless females at the Ruaha National Park in Tanzania went from 10.5 percent in 1969 to almost 40 percent in 1989,largely due to illegal hunting for ivory.
       The recent ban on ivory in both the US and China should help get rid or a least reduce,elephant hunting.However,scientists are not sure how long it will lake for elephants with a higher rate of tuskless females,to change the trend.

    (1)What is the probable cause of the phenomenon mentioned in Paragraph 1?

    A.Illegal hunting.
    B.Constant fanning.
    C.A pure coincidence.
    D.Natural evolution.
    (2)Why did people kill so many elephants during the conflict in Mozambique?

    A.To get money by selling ivory.
    B.To develop new decorations.
    C.To provide food for local people.
    D.To make ivory products.
    (3)Which of the following had the earliest record on tuskless elephants?

    A.Gorongosa National Park.
    B.South Luangwa National Park.
    C.Ruaha National Park.
    D.Lupande Game Management Area.
    (4)What does the underlined phrase "the trend" in the last paragraph refer to?

    A.Elephants facing greater danger.
    B.Elephants growing more slowly.
    C.Fewer female elephants staying alive.
    D.More female elephants being tuskless.

  • 14.Many students are no doubt stressed about meeting all the demands coming their way.Researchers present a simple way - thinking vividly about future success - that might help students at risk of falling behind academically to work harder.
       In the study,college students from a range of economic backgrounds were randomly asked to think about their future or their past.In the future condition,the students were asked to imagine and write about themselves as successful college graduates.Those in the past condition were asked to think about themselves before they began making plans for college,their family's money and status,and how that influenced the way others thought of them.
       After this exercise,the researchers assessed the students' behavior through a student-teacher conversation as well as their effort on a challenging set of GRE(Graduate Record Examination)questions.Female students from poor backgrounds tended to carry themselves with greater confidence in the student-teacher conversation if they had gone through the future-thinking condition,the researchers found.They also attempted a greater number of GRE questions,on average,in the future-focused condition.
       That the apparent benefits were observed among less-advantaged female students,but not relatively wealthy students or male students,is in keeping with researchers thinking:these students may tend to deal with academic challenges less easily than their classmates. "This research shows that they can draw from vivid and motivating visions of their own futures to help support their motivation and persistence during challenging and uncomfortable tasks." says Mesmin Destin,the study's lead author.
       Dale H.Schunk,a professor at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro,acknowledges that the results are "the same as what current motivation theories predicted about the energizing role of goals." However,he notes that the study does not directly explore the mechanism(方法)by which a vision of future identity might lead to positive academic outcomes.Also,the results might differ if a student's vision of a future identity does not agree with his or her actual interests.Schunk adds.

    (1)What did the researchers do to the students in the study?

    A.They divided them into two groups evenly.
    B.They asked them to predict their GRE scores.
    C.They classified them according to their economic backgrounds.
    D.They observed their conversations with teachers.
    (2)The underlined word in the fourth paragraph can be replaced by
    A.severely disabled
    B.mentally challenged
    C.financially challenged
    D.greatly stressed
    (3)What does Dale H.Schunk think of the results of the study?

    A.They are supported by related theories.
    B.They challenge traditional beliefs.
    C.They are of little practical significance.
    D.They might transform current education.
    (4)What is the best title for the text?

    A.Imagining the Future Reminds Students of Their Backgrounds
    B.Imagining die Future Brings in Economic Success
    C.Imagining the Future Helps Students Set Clear Goals
    D.Imagining the Future Helps Students Handle Academic Challenges



  • 15.When people look at mountains,they often feel a desire to climb to the top.People realize the great rewards that mountains will give them if they reach the top.(1)
    .It's little wonder,therefore,that climbing mountains is such a popular activity.
       Casual mountain climbing is an excellent form of exercise.People enjoy the fresh air and natural scenery on these climbs.As they get higher,the views across valley plains and forests get longer.(2)
    ,these hikes can be exhausting and even the fittest people will breathe heavier and have to take rests.
       At the next level of mountain climbing,people require handrails(扶手)to get up the mountain.The path is very narrow or too steep in some places to walk up.(3)
    ,climbers must be physically lit and maintain good concentration.When climbing a mountain with any danger,climbers should be with at least one other person.
    .For example,in a group of three climbers,all should be attached to the same rope.The rope will be needed as a support when there are no rails---or rocks to hold.The best and most experienced climber should go first and must go slow when the others feel uncomfortable.
       The top level of mountain climbing is a very serious activity.At this stage,climbers go vertically(垂直地)up a rock face.This is very dangerous and should only be done when the climber has many years of experience.Climbers who climb this way need iron spikes(大釘)to be hammered into splits in the rock wall.At the end of the iron spikes,there are hooks that can be attached to ropes.(5)

    A.If you're a good vertical mountain climber
    B.Even though the paths might be easy to follow
    C.Since climbing a mountain this way can be dangerous
    D.Safety is most important in any form of mountain climbing
    E.They include a personal sense of achievement and a wonderful view
    F.The third level of mountain climbing involves using ropes with other climbers
    G.Other hooks are also needed to attach the climbers to the rope and to each other



  • 16.It's "BABY DAY" at the Chartwell Riverpark seniors' residence(住所)in Ottawa.Eulah Johnson,90,never(1)
    the twice-monthly event.
       Today,Johnson sits on a sofa and smiles at a baby silting on the seat of her walker.After a few moments,the girl(2)
    to play with the dozen or so other small children(3)
    together with 20 of Johnson's fellow residents.As the(4)
    eat snacks and drink tea or coffee,their young guests crawl(爬行)around,draw in colouring books,bat balloons back and forth or sleep in the arms of(5)
       Babies Who Volunteer,bringing these(6)
    together,is the inspired idea of Jessica Turner.During a(n)(7)
    with her baby daughter Amelia to a friend's mother,who was living in a long-term-care center,people gathered around Amelia,(8)
    to play with her.She was most(9)
    by the response of her friend's mother:she hadn't spoken in two years,but with Amelia in her lap,she(10)
       Turner went home and immediately put out a(11)
    on a moms' Facebook group:would anyone be interested in(12)
    seniors' residences with their babies?One hundred women(13)
    said yes.A year later,there are now 1,500 volunteers.
       Everyone benefits from inter-generational programmers.This playgroup is(14)
    for the mothers too.They're giving something to the community which provides a(15)
    of purpose and belonging.It can really(16)
    someone who is feeling alone.
    is growing:the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Foundation,(18)
    has donated$25,000.With the help of charitable donations,Turner hopes to(19)
    programming from baby visits to having school kids communicating with(20)
    pen friends,and seniors teaching kids how to bake.

    (1) A.a(chǎn)ffords B.selects C.creates D.misses
    (2) A.turns up B.skips off C.makes up D.shows off
    (3) A.mixed B.replaced C.covered D.compared
    (4) A.guests B.waiters C.seniors D.kids
    (5) A.delighted B.brave C.confused D.strict
    (6) A.prediction B.generations C.evidence D.organizations
    (7) A.interview B.a(chǎn)rgument C.visit D.move
    (8) A.pretending B.wanting C.regretting D.failing
    (9) A.surprised B.embarrassed C.scared D.disappointed
    (10) A.minded B.forgot C.considered D.began
    (11) A.signal B.story C.call D.policy
    (12) A.setting up B.dropping by C.cleaning up D.taking over
    (13) A.quickly B.frequently C.properly D.safely
    (14) A.free B.ready C.true D.good
    (15) A.list B.system C.sense D.copy
    (16) A.help B.reward C.find D.warn
    (17) A.demand B.pressure C.economy D.interest
    (18) A.a(chǎn)t times B.for example C.a(chǎn)fter all D.by chance
    (19) A.observe B.mention C.a(chǎn)ttend D.expand
    (20) A.a(chǎn)wkward B.hungry C.elderly D.innocent



  • 48.假定英語課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請你修改你同桌寫的以下作文。文中共有10處語言錯誤,每句中最多有兩處,每處錯誤僅涉及一個單詞的增加、刪除或修改。
        When I was in kindergarten,one of my classmate had forgotten his snack,so he had nothing to eating.Because we were very hungry,somebody wanted to share with him.That day my mother had packed some deliciously food.I wanted it all for myself but my mother had often told me that I should share,so I break my chocolate and cake and gave to my forgetful classmate half.He was surprising at first.Then he smiled biggest smile I had ever seen and I was suddenly filled with great happy.After that,I always looked for chances to help others,because it always made them but me feel good.



  • 49.假設(shè)你是李津,你的美國朋友Chris就讀于天津某國際學(xué)校。他熟悉中國文化,特別是戲曲文化。8月5日下午2:00在新落成的天津大劇院將上演越劇《梁山伯與祝英臺》。請你根據(jù)以下提示,用英語給Chris寫一封電子郵件,邀請他一起觀看演出。
    參考詞匯:越?。篠haoxing Opera;《梁山伯與祝英臺》Butterfly Lovers;天津大劇院Tianjin Grand Theater

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