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發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0

第一部分:聽力測試(共兩節(jié),滿分30 分)第一節(jié)(共5小題;每小題1.5分,滿分7.5分)聽下面 5段對話。每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的 A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項。聽完每段對話后,你都有 10秒鐘的時間來回答有關(guān)小題和閱讀下一小題。每段對話僅讀一遍。

  • 1.What will the woman do at the weekend?
    A.Move house.
    B.See a movie.
    C.Visit a friend.

  • 2.What does the woman ask the man to do?
    A.Meet her on Friday.
    B.Go camping with her.
    C.Make a plan for next weekend.

  • 3.How will the woman have her hair changed?
    A.By changing its color.
    B.By cutting it short.
    C.By making it straight.

  • 4.Where does the conversation take place?
    A. In a restaurant.
    B. In a hotel.
    C. In a supermarket.

  • 5.How does the woman feel?
    A. Nervous.
    B. Happy.
    C. Sad.


第二節(jié)(共5小題;小題1.5分,滿分22.5分)聽下面 5段對話或獨白。每段對話或獨白后有幾個小題,從題中所給的 A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項。聽完每段對話或獨白前,你將有時間閱讀各個小題,每小題5秒鐘;聽完后, 各小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時間。每段對話或獨白讀兩遍。

  • 6.(1)Who should the report be given to?
    (2)What will the man probably do next?
    A.Make copies of the report.
    B.Check the report.
    C.Telephone his secretary.

  • 7.(1)Where does the woman come from?
    B.New York.
    (2)What does the man say about living in his hometown?

  • 8.(1)What relation is Mike to the man?
    A.His teacher.
    B.His classmate.
    C.His brother.
    (2)What has the man done?
    A.He's changed his seat.
    B.He's talked with Mike.
    C.He's visited the teacher.
    (3)What does the man think of the woman's last suggestion?

  • 9.(1)Who made the man interested in music?
    A.His grandfather.
    B.His parents.
    C.His cousin.
    (2)What did the man like best?
    A.Playing the guitar.
    B.Reading poems.
    C.Rock climbing.
    (3)Why did the man give up the idea of learning dancing?
    A.His parents were against it.
    B.He was too well-known.
    C.He had no interest in it.
    (4)What are the speakers talking about?
    A.The man's job.
    B.The man's family.
    C.The man's hobbies.

  • 10.(1)What is the speaker's last suggestion on how to get ready to go fishing?
    A.Prepare food and drink.
    B.Take warm clothes.
    C.Wear a life jacket.
    (2)Where does the speaker go fishing?
    A.To the river.
    B.To the lake.
    C.To the sea.
    (3)What is the main reason why the speaker likes fishing?
    A.It's popular.
    B.It's peaceful.
    C.It's exciting.
    (4)What do we know about the speaker?
    A.He often takes part in fishing competitions.
    B.He usually goes fishing alone.
    C.He thinks fishing difficult.



  • 11.WifiBooster Have you ever noticed how much slower your Internet gets during the peak hours of the day?Luckily,there's finally a solution!It takes only one simple device,WifiBooster,to put an end to this and many other annoying Internet problems!
       How does it work?
       WifiBooster spots your existing signal,improves its characteristics and then sends already expanded Wi-Fi through all the barriers it meets on its way — whether they're concrete walls or multiple floors.It also solves our main problem — Internet providers slowing down the speed — by preventing data usage reports from reaching Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in the first place.
       What are the main features of it?
    ? Works with any Internet router.
    ? Uses the frequency of 2.4 GHz.
    ? Transfer rates of up to 300 Mbps.
    ? Easy to set up.
       What problems does it solve?
    ? Slow Internet connection.
    ? Weak Wi-Fi signals beyond 30 meters.
    ? Bad quality of video calls.
    ? Wi-Fi "dead spots" around your house.
    ? Thick walls that weaken the signal.
       How to use it?
    ? Step 1 :Get WifiBooster from the official website.
    ? Step 2:Plug WifiBooster into a socket and start the equipment.
    ? Step 3:Be amazed at your Wi-Fi speed!
       Why get WifiBooster today?
       WifBooster brings noticeable results immediately after you plug it in.For a limited time,WifiBooster is available to you 60% cheaper (instead of $99.99)!Order now and enjoy your improved Internet connection!

    (1)What is WifiBooster?

    A.An application to transform networks.
    B.An organization to limit Internet speed.
    C.A piece of equipment to improve Wi-Fi.
    D.A formal provider to offer Internet service.
    (2)What can WifiBooster do?

    A.Ensure high-quality video calls.
    B.Help Internet routers function normally.
    C.Set up connection among Wi-Fi signals.
    D.Save the electricity used to surf the Internet.
    (3)What might be the current price of WifiBooster?

    A. $39.99.
    B. $59.99.
    C. $69.99.
    D. $99.99.

  • 12.In early April,Justin Stephen,a farmer from a town in south India's Niligiri mountains,was hard-pressed.As India's lockdown came into effect on the midnight of March 25,the prime season for harvesting avocados (牛油果) was just beginning.Every month,from February to September,the trees on Stephen's two-acre farmlands produced a rich harvest of roughly 4000 avocados.The fruit stays fresh only three days after being picked.So getting the produce to market as quickly as possible is a priority.
       Even in previous years,Stephen had difficulty connecting with key markets in Indian cities and transporting the avocados on time because his farm,bordering a jungle,wasn't as accessible.There wasn't a reliable network of trucks to transport the products.And transport costs were high.
       In mid-April,when he was staring at mounting financial losses and crop wastage,a friend suggested that he contact Harvesting Farmer Network (HFN),a website run by Ruchit Garg,a tech entrepreneur (企業(yè)家).Garg runs a tech company called Harvesting,which uses satellite data and artificial intelligence to identify,measure and monitor cropland.
       When social media erupted with videos of anxious farmers throwing produce into rivers and onto streets because of the pandemic (瘟疫) travel restrictions,Garg's heart went out to them. "I could feel their pain.I knew I had to do something," he said.
       Garg launched HFN on April 12 to address some of the farmers' challenges.Farmers can join HFN free of charge and display their fresh produce to customers across India.If a customer is interested in buying,they place their order on the site.Once farmers receive their orders,they can organize deliveries to the customers themselves.For farmers unable to arrange for transport,Garg has arranged for lorries and HFN vehicles to transport produce from the farms to the customers.
       So far,he says that HFN has helped deliver over one million pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables from over 2000 farmers to customers across the country.

    (1)What made Justin Stephen in a state of great difficulty in April?

    A.Farm work on his own land.
    B.A shortage of fruit harvesters.
    C.Produce transportation and sales.
    D.Physical discomfort from lockdown.
    (2)What inspired Garg to launch Harvesting Farmer Network?

    A.Huge commercial profits.
    B.Advancement of the technology.
    C.His judgment on the sudden disease.
    D.Farmers' loss on their abandoned produce.
    (3)What is a benefit of applying Garg's HFN?

    A.Increasing storage quality.
    B.Saving transportation costs.
    C.Reducing harvesting time.
    D.Improving marketing efficiency.
    (4)What is the purpose of the text?

    A.To explain a social problem.
    B.To tell a heart-warming story.
    C.To recommend a high tech project.
    D.To inform a marketing experience.

  • 13.The Himalayas,which stretch some 2,900 kilometers between India Pakistan,China,and Nepal,are the world's tallest mountain range.In addition to Mount Everest,the world's tallest mountain by peak elevation standing 8,848 meters tall,the range also features several other mountain peaks over 8,000 meters.It is the only mountain range to have mountains over 8,000 meters-the runner-up is a mountain range in South America,whose tallest peak is just 6.962 meters tall.
       Millions of years ago,these mountain peaks didn't exist.The Asian continent was mostly complete,but India was an island floating off the coast of Australia.Around 220 million years ago,around the time when Pangea was breaking apart,India started to move northwards.It travelled some 6,000 kilometers before it finally hit Asia around 40 to 50 million years ago.Then,part of the Indian landmass(陸塊)began to go beneath the Asian one,moving the Asian landmass up,which resulted in the rise of the Himalayas.It's thought that India's coastline was denser and more firmly attached to the seabed,which is why Asia's softer soil was pushed up rather than the other way around.
       The mountain range grew very rapidly in comparison to most mountain ranges,and it's actually still growing today.Mount Everest and its fellows actually grow by approximately a net of about a centimeter or so every year.The Appalachian Mountains in North America,which developed some 300 million years ago or more,is actually decreasing in peak elevations as it erodes(侵蝕).
       The continued growth in the Himalayas is likely due to the Indian tectonic(地殼構(gòu)造上的)plate still moving slowly but surely northward.We know the plate is still moving in part because of the frequent earthquakes in the region.

    (1)What do the underlined words "the runner-up" in paragraph 1 probably mean?

    A.The fastest.
    B.The lowest.
    C.The most popular.
    D.The second tallest.
    (2)What led to the formation of the Himalayas?

    A.The long coastline of India.
    B.The fast movement of India.
    C.The firm attachment of Asia to the seabed.
    D.The meeting of India with the Asian continent.
    (3)What can we learn from paragraph 3?

    A.Most mountains in the world grow rapidly.
    B.The Appalachian Mountains have soft soils.
    C.Mount Everest will be about one meter taller in a century.
    D.The Appalachian Mountains was once taller than the Himalayas.
    (4)What will happen to the Himalayas in the future?

    A.It will continue to grow.
    B.It will move southwards.
    C.It will attract more tourists.
    D.It will have fewer earthquakes.

  • 14.Your phone shuts down randomly.You have to charge it constantly.And you can barely see the screen through a spiderweb of cracks.Time for a new phone.But what should you do with the old one?The number one rule:never throw it in a garbage can or recycle bin.It might start a fire or even explode.
       Smartphones contain lithium-ion batteries.So do tablets,laptop computers,electric cars,and many other devices,including some cameras,headphones,power tools,and more.These batteries offer the most energy for their size compared to other batteries.But if a lithium-ion battery gets damaged,it may overheat,leading to flames,fire,or even an explosion.
       In 2017,cleaners in New York City threw an innocent-looking cardboard box into their garbage truck.When the truck's compactor (垃圾搗碎機) squeezed the box and a battery hidden inside —BOOM!The battery exploded.The workers managed to take out the box and throw it in a puddle (水坑),putting out the flames.But explosions and fires are on the rise at recycling centers around the world,and lithium-ion batteries are usually to blame.
       To safely get rid of a device that contains these batteries,take it to an electronics recycler.You can search for a drop-off location at call2 recycle.org.
       Even professionals have trouble handling some devices.Isauro Flores-Hernandez takes apart electronics at Cascade Asset Management in Madison,Wisconsin.Safely removing the battery from one iPad took him 40 minutes.
       Many tech companies are more concerned about selling new devices than repairing or recycling old ones.They make more money that way.So they tend not to make it easy to break down their products.It may cost more to take the item apart than the materials inside are worth.That's a deal-breaker for recycling centers.If an item is too tough to break down,it will go into a landfill.Do you think tech companies should do more to support safe and easy recycling?

    (1)What should we do with a broken cell phone?

    A.Replace it with a new one.
    B.Throw it into a garbage can.
    C.Turn to an electronics recycler.
    D.Recycle the inside battery by ourselves.
    (2)What can we know about lithium-ion batteries?

    A.They become overheated easily.
    B.They are likely to be damaged.
    C.They have advantages in power storage.
    D.They are only used in smartphones.
    (3)Why a case is referred to in Paragraph 3?

    A.To prove cleaners are not professional.
    B.To note lithium-ion batteries cause fires easily.
    C.To show lithium-ion batteries are pretty dangerous.
    D.To reveal the importance of dealing with batteries properly.
    (4)What can be inferred about tech companies?

    A.They hold back recycling electronic products.
    B.They are worried about selling new products.
    C.They make more money by recycling products.
    D.They plan to cooperate with recycling centers.



  • 42.The importance of good communication skills cannot be overstated.Communication is key to any relationship whether at work or in your personal life.(1)
    (equip) yourself with strong communication skills is one of the most valuable things(2)
    (conduct) by you,and can vastly enrich social interaction and open new social horizons.So,how do we improve our communication skills,ensuring that we speak to(3)
    world with clarity and confidence?
        Listening is the key.
        Listening is really the single most important factor in becoming a clear and(4)
    (confidence) communicator.This is a key communication skill and something(5)
    so few of us are experts at.Actually listening to people's words,their slight differences of intonation (語調(diào))(6)
    hints of emotion,means you are much more likely to understand where they are coming from and what they(7)
    (try) to tell you.
        On top of this,actively listening and engaging(8)
    (full) in the conversation is great for confidence and personal clarity.Firstly,good listeners(9)
    (respect) all the time;it is also an act of(10)
    (generous) towards the speaker.Secondly,you'll feel in control:you'll understand the conversation's finer points,and knowing the finer points means you'll be much more able to construct relevant responses and questions.


第三節(jié): 書面表達(滿分15分)

  • 43.假如你是李華,最近你對高三學生的體育活動現(xiàn)狀進行了調(diào)查。請根據(jù)下面圖表,用英語
    Dear schoolmates,
    Recently I made a survey of senior 3 students on physical training.

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