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2014年第30屆美國數(shù)學(xué)競賽試卷(MAA AMC 8)

發(fā)布:2024/9/7 6:0:11


  • 1.Harry and Terry are each told to calculate 8-(2+5).Harry gets the correct answer.Terry ignores the parentheses and calculates 8-2+5.If Harry's answer is H and Terry's answer is T,what is H-T?( ?。?br />Harry和Terry都被告知計(jì)算8-(2+5)。Harry得到了正確的答案。Terry忽略了括號(hào),計(jì)算了8-2+5。如果Harry的答案是H,Terry的答案是T,那么H-T是多少?(  )
  • 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)2.Paul owes Paula 35 cents and has a pocket full of 5-cent coins,10-cent coins,and 25-cent coins that he can use to pay her.What is the difference between the largest and the smallest number of coins he can use to pay her?(  )
    Paul欠Paula 35美分,他的口袋里裝滿了5美分、10美分和25美分的硬幣,他可以用這些硬幣來還她。他還她的硬幣數(shù)量的最大值和最小值之間的差異是多少?(  )
  • 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)3.Isabella had a week to read a book for a school assignment.She read an average of 36 pages per day for the first three days and an average of 44 pages per day for the next three days.She then finished the book by reading 10 pages on the last day.How many pages were in the book?( ?。?br />Isabella學(xué)校作業(yè)是一個(gè)星期讀完一本書。她在前三天平均每天讀了36頁,接下來的三天平均每天讀了44頁。然后,她在最后一天讀了10頁并讀完了這本書。這本書有多少頁?( ?。?/div>
  • 4.The sum of two prime numbers is 85.What is the product of these two prime numbers?(  )
    兩個(gè)質(zhì)數(shù)的和是85。這兩個(gè)質(zhì)數(shù)的乘積是多少?( ?。?/div>
  • 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)5.Margie's car can go 32 miles on a gallon of gas,and gas currently costs 4pergallon.HowmanymilescanMargiedriveon20 worth of gas?( ?。?br />Margie的汽車每加侖油可以行駛32英里,現(xiàn)在的汽油價(jià)格是每加侖4美元。Margie有$20美元的汽油,這些可以行駛多少英里?( ?。?/div>
  • 6.Six rectangles each with a common base width of 2 have lengths of 1,4,9,16,25,and 36.What is the sum of the areas of the six rectangles?(  )
    六個(gè)矩形都有一個(gè)公共的底邊寬度為2,它們的長度分別為1、4、9、16、25和36。這六個(gè)矩形的面積總和是多少?(  )
  • 7.There are four more girls than boys in Ms.Raub's class of 28 students.What is the ratio of the number of girls to the number of boys in her class?(  )
    在Raub老師的班級(jí)中,共有28名學(xué)生,其中女生比男生多4人。她班級(jí)中女生和男生的比例是多少?(  )
  • 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)8.Eleven members of the Middle School Math Club each paid the same amount for a guest speaker to talk about problem solving at their math club meeting.They paid their guest speaker $1A2.What is the missing digit A of this 3-digit number?(  )
    中學(xué)數(shù)學(xué)俱樂部的11名成員為請(qǐng)一位嘉賓講解他們數(shù)學(xué)俱樂部會(huì)議中的問題的解決方法而支付了相同的金額。他們支付給嘉賓講者的費(fèi)用是$1A2。這個(gè)3位數(shù)中缺失的數(shù)字A是多少?(  )


  • 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)24.One day the Beverage Barn sold 252 cans of soda to 100 customers,and every customer bought at least one can of soda.What is the maximum possible median number of cans of soda bought per customer on that day?(  )
    某天,Beverage Barn售出了252罐汽水給100名顧客,每位顧客至少買了一罐汽水。那天每位顧客購買的汽水?dāng)?shù)量的中位數(shù)最大可能是多少?( ?。?/div>
  • 25.A straight one-mile stretch of highway,40 feet wide,is closed.Robert rides his bike on a path composed of semicircles as shown.If he rides at 5 miles per hour,how many hours will it take to cover the one-mile stretch?(  )
    Note:1 mile=5280 feet
    一段直線的公路,長一英里、寬40英尺,被封閉了。Robert騎自行車走的路線是由如圖所示的半圓組成的。如果他以5英里每小時(shí)的速度騎行,他需要多少小時(shí)才能走完這一英里的路段?(  )
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