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發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0


  • 1.閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中選出最佳選項。
       American illustration changed dramatically.Pictures that Norman Rockwell created with oil paint on canvas (油畫布) were gradually superseded by "photo illustrations." Today,illustrators are able to make pictures with computers to put in magazines that arrive on the Internet.Digital images and electronic art are more and more popular.
       But the heart of illustration will always be its creativity,not its tools.Just ask award-winning artist Gary Kelley.He is no software engineer working in Silicon Valley;instead,he has enjoyed a long and successful career working from a town in Iowa.He still uses traditional media such as oil paint and pastels,but his ideas are new.
       Illustrators drawing for advertisements get paid the best,but that is not always the most fun.For Kelley,it's the storytelling aspects of art that make illustration fun and interesting.He started by illustrating stories for magazines such as Time,The New Yorker,and so on.With fewer magazine stories to illustrate,he started to create a series of murals (壁畫) for the national bookstore chain Barnes & Noble.He also illustrated a number of books.More recently he has illustrated novels.
       But perhaps the most interesting innovation was Kelley's attempt to illustrate music.Kelley recalled that he was listening to The Planets,an orchestral suite by a famous English composer,when images began to appear in his mind.He decided to see if he could create pictures that showed the qualities of the music.He said, "I'm going to see what happens."
       He associated a series of beautiful pictures to be projected on a huge screen above an orchestra while it performed.He found a willing partner in the WCF Symphony Orchestra in the creation of the illustrated music.Their work was well received,which motivated Kelley to create more.The Planets was followed by Antonin Dvorak's New World Symphony,Gustav Mahler's Nachtmusik,Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker Suite,and even music by Duke Ellington.
    The lesson here is that a true artist can find all the creativity they want,right where they are.

    (1)What does the underlined word "superseded" in Paragraph 1 probably mean?

    (2)Why did Kelley shift his focus to something beyond magazine stories?

    A.To seek a relatively high payment.
    B.To adapt to the changing market.
    C.To improve his illustration skills.
    D.To transform the illustration industry.
    (3)What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?

    A.How Kelley benefits from music.
    B.How Kelley is usually inspired to draw.
    C.How Kelley attempted to compose music.
    D.How Kelley was inspired to illustrate music.
    (4)What's implied about Kelley's music illustration in the last but one paragraph?

    A.It came at a high cost.
    B.It will soon be outdated.
    C.It proved to be very popular.
    D.It helped increase the quality of music

  • 2.When the Prussian naturalist Alexander von Humboldt arrived in South America in 1799,one thing astonished him. "Look at the flowers and the birds," he wrote. "Even the crayfish are blue and yellow."
       Gradually,Humboldt's thoughts developed and changed into an informal guess that organisms in equatorial(赤道的) areas are more colourful than those near the poles.
       In a new paper in Nature Ecology & Evolution,Chris Cooney,an evolutionary biologist at the University of Sheffield,and his colleagues offer what they call the most comprehensive examination of this guess to date,demonstrating that it does apply to birds known as passerines,a family of songbirds.
       Over several years,Dr Cooney's team photographed 4,527 birds from Britain's Natural History Museum's data — representing roughly half the total bird diversity on Earth.As passerine birds are sensitive and visible to UV light,they see more colours than humans.The researchers,therefore,took pictures under UV light to get true bird's-eye views.
       A machine-learning method was then used to identify the colours of the feathers at hundreds of points on each sample.The total number of colours found on each bird was then mapped onto the geographic distribution of their parent species.The researchers used this data to study how colourful different regions of the world were.The key factor here was the diversity of colours on individual birds.
       Equatorial birds,the researchers concluded,were indeed more colourful than their cousins in temperate (溫帶的) regions.The birds sampled at the equator had,on average,about 90 different colours,while birds at 60 degrees latitude (緯度) had about 70 colours.
       Over the decades,numerous explanations for tropical colourfulness have been put forward.Some have guessed that warmer climates make more resources available to the creatures here,allowing them to spend energy developing adornments (裝飾品).Others have pointed out that the bright colours may arise from chemical compounds in their diet,or make it possible for breeding pairs to spot one another in the darker environment of a tropical forest floor.

    (1)What surprised Humboldt when he arrived in South America?

    A.The breathtaking scenery.
    B.The diversity of creatures.
    C.The extremely hot temperature.
    D.The rich colours of the organisms.
    (2)What did Cooney's team intend to do?

    A.To study why passerine birds are sensitive to UV light.
    B.To figure out how passerine birds are distributed in the world.
    C.To test whether creatures in equatorial areas are more colourful.
    D.To discover whether the colour diversity is related to the species diversity.
    (3)Which of the following might Cooney agree with?

    A.Colourfulness changes with latitude.
    B.Colourfulness shows the evolution of birds.
    C.Bright colours contribute to the survival of birds.
    D.Bright colours are associated with birds' sharp vision.
    (4)Which aspect of tropical colourfulness does the last paragraph focus on?

    A.Its influence.
    B.Its causes.
    C.Its importance.
    D.Its discovery

  • 3.Although we are often told that procrastinating in college is harmful and that leaving our assignments to the last minute can lead us to feel more stressed,I like to wait before starting any assignment,since I tend to overthink and want to make it perfect.When I procrastinate,it's not out of laziness,but rather,a desire to be efficient(高效的).
       In an op-ed,Adam Grant,a professor of management and psychology,explored the connection between performance and procrastination habits,and cited an experiment conducted by one of his former students.In the study,procrastinators' ideas were found to be 28% more creative than the ideas of those who didn't procrastinate.As it turns out,procrastination might help generate creative ideas - which may explain why some students perform well at the last minute.
       While procrastination might work well for some students,it may lead to increased levels of anxiety for others.One college student,Amanda,says "If I procrastinate or struggle with assignments,it affects my mental health by making me feel trapped and anxious." Not only can procrastination cause anxiety for students,but trying to finish an assignment in a hurry can also negatively impact their grades - and lead them to make small,careless mistakes - which can lead to even more anxiety.
       It's important to point out that there's a difference between casual procrastination and chronic(長期的)procrastination.Chronic procrastination,distress over academics,or lack of motivation can often lead to more serious mental health outcomes such as anxiety,depression and low self-esteem.If you struggle with managing schoolwork to the point where it affects your grades and interpersonal relationships over a long time,you might have to visit your school counselor or the academic resource center.
       Everyone has different styles of working and managing their time,and when it comes to procrastinating in college,it's always good to reflect on whether it's helping or hurting.Figuring this part out can take a while,so make a note of how you're completing your assignments and start writing down how you feel.Prioritize self-care whether you start your assignment the week before its due date or the day before.

    (1)How does the author bring up the topic of the text?

    A.By citing a fact.
    B.By offering a piece of news.
    C.By describing her experiences.
    D.By showing research findings.
    (2)What does the study mentioned in Paragraph 2 show us?

    A.Procrastinators are good time planners.
    B.Procrastinators usually work efficiently.
    C.Procrastination encourages creative thinking.
    D.Procrastination affects people's mental health.
    (3)What are heavy chronic procrastinators advised to do?

    A.To seek support from professionals.
    B.To talk about the problems with friends.
    C.To reflect on their way of managing time.
    D.To break their habit of delaying doing things.
    (4)What's the author's attitude towards procrastination?



七選五(共 5 小題;每小題 3 分,滿分 15 分)

  • 4.閱讀下面短文,從短文后的選項中選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。選項中有兩項為多余選項。
       Some people say house dust is mostly human skin cells,but it's only a little bit true. (1)
    ,but there are many other components on top of your ceiling fans.These include paint,hair,building materials,bacteria,viruses,insect body parts,etc.
       That list is based on the Canadian House Dust Study,in which researchers collected dust samples from 1,025 Canadian homes.The proportions of the components vary from household to household.A house near a busy road,for example,is likely to harbor a high level of outdoor pollutants from car exhaust.(2)
       The commonly-cited statement that 70% to 80% of house dust is human skin cells is likely not true for most houses. (3)
    ,and 40% came from dirt and other materials from outside.That indoor 60% included everything from organic fibers to building materials,not just dead skin cells.
       People do drop lots of skin cells as they go about their business. (4)
    .Not all dead skin flakes (剝落) off onto your home's floors.Many run down the drain (下水道) in the shower,and others are contained by clothing and end up being washed out in the washing machine.
    .One study found that higher levels of cholesterol and squalene (oils found in dead skin) in dust were associated with lower levels of ozone (臭氧) indoors.Ozone is a pollutant that can cause lung discomfort.Ozone reacts with these oils,thus reducing indoor ozone by between 2% and 15%.

    A.Skin cells are part of the makeup of house dust
    B.But our body is made up of far more cells than that
    C.The skin helps people maintain the right internal temperature
    D.A newly-built house might have much dust from construction
    E.The average adult loses about 500 million skin cells each day
    F.It may not be a bad thing to have some dead skin in your home
    G.According to a study of house dust,60% of the components of the dust came from indoors


完形填空(共 15 小題;每小題 2 分,滿分 30 分)

  • 5.閱讀下面短文,從每題所給的 A、B、C、D 四個選項中選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。
       A popular pub named Swan Dive in Toronto posted the information that it was struggling to pay the rent during the pandemic.Unexpectedly,customers(1)
    all its stock (存貨) to help out recently.Abra Shiner,the owner,was trying to keep her pub(2)
    lockdown by operating as a bottle shop,but it became very(3)
    that the costs of trying to run that way were too high.She decided to be honest about her(4)
    on social media.
       "We were running out of our(5)
    and I wasn't sure if I would be able to pay the rent at the end of the month," Shiner said on the Internet. "(6)
    ,I wrote on the Internet asking people to come to buy the beer we had in our stockroom...and it(7)
    ." It turned out that Shiner's(8)
    on social media soon had over 20,000 views,and that people from all over the Brockton Village neighborhood were showing up to(9)
    their beloved bar. "To our surprise,it just seemed that people started coming out(10)
    ,including some people we hadn't(11)
    for years," Shiner said.
       Within a few days,the beer went out of stock.(12)
    with a government rent subsidy (補(bǔ)貼),the money the community added to the pub's float (備用零錢) reached a new level.It will(13)
    this much-loved pub for a period of time so that the pub can safely(14)
    its door once again. "You guys are pretty(15)
    ," Shiner posted to Swan Dive's online fans.

    (1) A.calculated B.purchased C.borrowed D.changed
    (2) A.getting through B.escaping from C.turning to D.taking away
    (3) A.simple B.strange C.evident D.positive
    (4) A.strategy B.memory C.prediction D.dilemma
    (5) A.savings B.chances C.emotion D.time
    (6) A.However B.Therefore C.Instead D.Otherwise
    (7) A.worked B.stopped C.delayed D.disappeared
    (8) A.reply B.response C.request D.estimation
    (9) A.choose B.rescue C.build D.describe
    (10) A.unwillingly B.temporarily C.nervously D.suddenly
    (11) A.recommended B.invited C.introduced D.seen
    (12) A.Combined B.Faced C.Met D.Linked
    (13) A.last B.remind C.a(chǎn)dvertise D.decorate
    (14) A.set B.paint C.improve D.open
    (15) A.confident B.great C.smart D.brave


單項選擇(共 10 小題;每小題 2 分,滿分 20分)

  • 6.Berry agrees and hopes her team's findings might one day help to ______ plastics in landfills.(  )

  • 7.We are _____ for Tibet,a place well ____ a visit.( ?。?/h2>

  • 8.______ school orders,he used the cellphone in class,for which he would be punished.( ?。?/h2>

  • 9.When we arrived at ________ is now called the Centre for Talents,we met a most gifted teenager ________ experts thought might make great achievements in astronomy.( ?。?/h2>


單詞拼寫(共 10 小題;每小題 2 分,滿分 20分)

  • 26.Several other recent studies have shown that moderate
    (喝;消耗) of red wine,in particular,is helpful for preventing heart disease.



  • 27.你班將舉行一場英語學(xué)習(xí)經(jīng)驗交流會,請你準(zhǔn)備一篇題目為"My experience of English vocabulary learning" 的英語發(fā)言稿,內(nèi)容包括:
    (4)詞數(shù) 80 左右;
    My experience of English vocabulary learning_______

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