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發(fā)布:2024/7/19 8:0:9

第一部分 聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分7.5分)

  • 1.What does the man want to do?
    A.Reserve a cheap hotel.
    B.Go to Mexico on business.
    C.Relax and enjoy himself.
  • 2.What will the woman get?
    A.Carpet cleaner.
    B.A paper towel.
    C.A glass of wine.
  • 3.Who is the woman?
    A.She's a teacher.
    B.She's a student.
    C.She's an assistant.
  • 4.Where are the speakers headed?
    A.To a swimming pool.
    B.To the beach.
    C.To a restaurant.
  • 5.Why is the museum of great significance?
    A.It's a museum for old art.
    B.It will be built on a small island.
    C.It's the first of its kind in Indonesia.

第二節(jié) 聽下面5段對話或獨白。每段對話或獨白后有幾個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項。聽每段對話或獨白前,你將有時間閱讀各個小題,每小題5秒鐘;聽完后,各小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時間。每段對話或獨白讀兩遍。

  • 6.(1)How much does an entrance ticket cost?
    A.Two dollars.
    B.Five dollars.
    C.Seven dollars.
    (2)How does the woman pay?
    A.In cash.
    B.By cheque.
    C.By credit card.
  • 7.(1)Where did the tomato sauce come from?
    A.A local farm.
    B.A store only five miles away.
    C.The man's own tomatoes.
    (2)What does the woman think of cooking?
    A.She enjoys it.
    B.It makes her feel creative.
    C.She doesn't have the patience for it.
  • 8.(1)What is the relationship between the speakers?
    A.Interviewer and interviewee.
    B.Husband and wife.
    (2)Where did the man go to college?
    A.In Washington.
    B.In Texas.
    C.In Nebraska
    (3)What is the woman' s job?
    A.She is a computer programmer.
    B.She is a banker.
    C.She is an artist.
  • 9.(1)What did Fitbit say about the recent study?
    A.It was false.
    B.It hurt their business.
    C.They had no comment.
    (2)When does the man use his Fitbit?
    A.Only when he's exercising.
    B.During the daytime.
    C.All the time.
    (3)What does the man think of his Fitbit?
    A It's sometimes uncomfortable to wear.
    B.It's of good value.
    C.It's of little use.
    (4)How does the woman sound?
  • 10.(1)What is the speaker mainly talking about?
    A.A search engine.
    B.A language program.
    C.A free lesson website for teachers.
    (2)How many people use Duolingo currently?
    A.Over one hundred million.
    B.A few hundred thousand.
    C.Several thousand.
    (3)Where is Luis von Ahn from?
    C.Costa Rica.
    (4)How was Duolingo originally funded?
    A.By big websites.
    B.By an actor.
    C.By school.

第二部分 閱讀(共兩節(jié),滿分5分)

  • 11.第一節(jié)
    菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)What3 words
       This free download is one of a growing number of smartphone apps that could mean the difference between life and death.What3 Words divides the world into 3 x3 metre squares,giving each one a unique combination(組合)of three words.This allows emergency services-or anyone else you give the location to-to reach you.It is used by the vast majority of emergency services in the UK,not to mention other control centres around the world,and has been praised for saving thousands of lives.
       Lots of us use WhatsApp for messaging and calling,but did you know it also has a Live Location feature that can let a loved one know where you are in case you're in danger?You simply press the + key in a chat,select "Location",and then press "Share Live Location",which enables anyone in the chat to see your location in real time for the period you choose.
    Skin Vision
       You will have to pay for this digital skin check app,when necessary or needed,but with about fifth of skin cancers going undiagnosed(未經(jīng)診斷)during lockdown,it could be well worth it.You simply take a photo of any strange-looking part of the skin with your phone and you'll then receive a risk indication(風(fēng)險跡象)within 30 seconds.This might include a recommendation to see a doctor.But don't rely on an app to comfort you-if you're worried about a skin problem,go to your doctor.
    菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)Stay Alive
       With mental health problems on the increase,not helped by the pandemic(大流行?。?,this suicide(自殺)prevention app could be extremely helpful.Developed by Grassroots Suicide Prevention,it offers a wealth of resources,ranging from suggestions for staying at home when you feel extremely lonely and sad,to breathing exercises,to direct links to national and local crisis resources.
    St John Ambulance First Aid
       An app like this is more useful for saving someone else's life than your own,but it's a must-have on your smartphone.It gives advice in dealing with emergencies,including choking,allergic reactions and performing CPR.You don't have to have an Internet connection in order to use it.

    (1)Which app best suits people who seek advice on how to deal with emergencies?

    C.What3 words
    D.St John Ambulance First Aid
    (2)What do What3 words and WhatsApp have in common?

    A.They can be used to send locations.
    B.They can be used to chat with friends.
    C.They can inform users of medical knowledge.
    D.They can be used to contact emergency services.
    (3)What can we know from the passage?

    A.People should pay for downloading all the apps.
    B.What3 Words can work without Internet connection.
    C.Skin Vision can help you diagnose and cure the cancer.
    D.St John Ambulance First Aid is aimed at helping others.
  • 12.Sarah came running in."Look what I found." Over the top of the paper I was reading came a crispy long object that caused me to jump.It was a snake skin that had been shed by one of our many garden snakes.
       "Isn't it beautiful?" said my wide-eyed seven-year-old daughter.
       I stared at the organic wrapper and thought to myself that it really wasn't that beautiful,but I have learned never to appear uninterested with children.They see only good quality and excellence in the world until educated otherwise.
       "Why does it do this?" Sarah asked.
       "Snakes shed their skin because they need to renew themselves," I explained."Why do they need to renew themselves?" Sarah asked.
       I suddenly remembered an article on this page many years ago where the writer was expressing her concept of renewal.She used layers of paper over a wall to describe how we hide our original selves,and said that by peeling away those layers one by one,we see the original beneath."We often need to shed our skins and those coatings that we cover ourselves with," I said to my now absorbed daughter."We outgrow some things and find other ones unwanted or unnecessary.This snake no longer needs this skin.It is probably too crinkly(起皺的)for him,and he probably doesn't think he looks as smart in it as he once did."
       Sarah was getting the point.As we talked,I knew that she began to understand,although slightly,that renewal is part of progress;that we need to take a good look at ourselves,our rooms,schoolwork and creativity,and see what we need to keep and what we need to cast off.I was careful to point out that this is a natural consequence of their growth.
       "I see,Dad," said Sarah and jumped off my lap and ran off.
       I hoped she would remember this.That often,in order to find our real selves underneath the layers of community and culture with which we cover ourselves year after year,we need to start examining these layers.We need to gently peel some away,as we recognize them to be worthless or unnecessary;or at best,store the ones thrown away as mementoes(念想)of our promotion to a better vitality or spirit.

    (1)At the first sight of the snake skin,the author was
    (2)Sarah learned from her father that renewal is
    A.to recover the layers inside
    B.to review what has been done
    C.a(chǎn) natural part of getting mature
    D.the process of finding the unwanted
    (3)It can be inferred from the passage that the author
    A.dislikes the snake skin at all
    B.shows concern for nature and culture
    C.can grasp the chance to educate children
    D.often encourages his daughter to raise questions
    (4)The author mainly tells the reader that
    A.snakes cast off the layers to look smarter
    B.we should renew ourselves to get improved
    C.snakes shed their skins to renew themselves
    D.we should explore our original nature underneath
  • 13.    To prepare for-real-life emergencies,rescue teams must practice.They practice putting on ice suits,working with ropes,and using hand signals to communicate.And once the lake freezes,then practice ice rescue.
      On a training day,a firefighter puts on his ice suit.He then pushes air out of the ice suit.If not,the trapped air bubble could make him float.He walks out onto frozen lake to play the role of the "victim(受害者)".He shakes,not from cold,but worries about not knowing when he'll fall through!His first several steps feel solid.The ice seems thick.But 28 steps in:Crack!Water begins to come in through the ice.He slows down.At 31 steps-Plunk!He falls through the ice.He keeps him mouth shut so he doesn't swallow any water.It's time for him to pretend to be a victim,calling for help and struggling in the lake.
      Two more firefighters,attached to the onshore team with ropes,walk onto the lake.They stay on different parts of the ice in case it breaks,both carrying protective equipment like a belt or a board.Meanwhile,onshore team members,wearing life vests,talk to the "victim" to keep him calm.Near the ice hole,a rescuer drops to her belly and moves slowly.The second rescuer rolls.Both methods spread out the weight so they don't also fall through the ice.
      The firefighter with the board explains that they're there to help.She hands the board to the victim and tells him to catch it.The second firefighter enters the water and ties the belt securely to the victim.He gives a signal and the onshore members pulls the rope.As the rope tightens,the rescuer lifts the victim's legs so he's on his belly.Together,they sail across the ice.
      Once they're on land,firefighters exchange roles.When every firefighter has had a turn at rescuing and playing "victim",they all put on warm,dry clothes and head back to the station for hot chocolate.

    (1)Why does the "victim" push air out of his ice suit before entering water?

    A.To walk in the water.
    B.To sink beneath the ice.
    C.To float on the surface.
    D.To approach firefighters.
    (2)What shouldn't the rescue members do during the practice?

    A.Stay apart on the ice surface.
    B.Walk as fast as possible on ice.
    C.Be careful in their each step.
    D.Carry protective equipment.
    (3)What can we learn from the text?

    A.Ice rescue only requires excellent individual skills.
    B.The rescue group perform such rescue practice daily.
    C.The firefighters take turns to play the part of "victim".
    D.It is unnecessary to talk to the "victim" during the rescue.
    (4)What is the best title for the passage?

    A.Rescue on the ice
    B.Practice on ice land
    C.Ways of saving people
    D.Bravery of firefighters
  • 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)14.Which hand do you use to write your name?Which foot do you use to kick a ball?You probably use the same hand or foot.That's called your dominant side.
       About 90 percent of humans are right-handed.Scientists want to know whether other animals also have dominant sides.So they give simple challenges to zoo animals and pets.
       At first,chimpanzees(大猩猩)appeared to be left-handed.Dr.Hopkins watched chimpanzees as they went "ants fishing",using sticks to pull ants out.Most of the chimps did the job with their left hand.However,when chimpanzees ate butter from a narrow pipe,they tended to use the left hand to do the easy part (hold the pipe) and a finger on the right hand to do the hard part(reach in for the treat).
       Does that mean chimpanzees are left-handed for some tasks and right-handed for others?That's not likely.Dr.Hopkins says the chimps may have used the weaker hand to pull out the ants and the dominant hand to hit the insects and put them in mouths.
       But how about other animals?Dr.Wells wondered if cats are right- or left-pawed.At the beginning.he gave the cats the simple task of moving across the floor.The cats showed no preference;they used either paw.Dr.Wells also made the cats perform given movements.The researcher dropped a small fish into a can and wrote down which paw each cat used to fish out the treat.All of the female cats except one used the right paw.For males,19 out of 21 used the left paw.Dr.Wells tested each cat many times to make sure it really preferred to use one paw instead of the other.

    (1)In Paragraph 1,the word "dominant" can be replaced by "
    (2)What can we learn from Dr.Hopkins' research?

    A.Chimpanzees use right hands for tough tasks.
    B.About 10 percent of humans are left-handed.
    C.Chimpanzees get the treat with the weaker hands.
    D.Left hands are more important in getting the butter out.
    (3)Dr.Wells probably agreed that
    A.moving across the floor was a challenging task for cats
    B.various foods were necessary to carry out a scientific study
    C.eats used different paws each time in the repeated tests
    D.male and female cats had the opposite choice to get the fish
    (4)As to "whether other animals also have dominant sides",the two scientists
    A.saw eye to eye with each other
    B.discovered it was not a simple yes or no
    C.raised different animals to seek the truth
    D.worked together to perform experiments

  • 42.Chinese people are well-known for hard work and

第五部分 寫作(滿分0分)

  • 43.假如你是李華,你所在社區(qū)上周開展"學(xué)雷鋒,共享書架"捐贈活動,鼓勵大家捐贈閑置書籍。你的美國朋友Will對此很感興趣,他發(fā)來郵件詢問相關(guān)情況。請用英語給他回一封郵件。
    參考詞匯:"Learning from Lei Feng,Sharing a Bookcase"
    Dear Will,

                                                                                                                           Li Hua
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