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發(fā)布:2024/7/28 8:0:9

一、Reading comprehension (40 marks)Passage 1 (20 marks)

  • 1.Read the following article and answer the questions.
       Peer Pressure
      [1] When teens choose to do something in order to be accepted and valued by their friends,they are said to be under peer influence.In these circumstances,they sometimes do things they wouldn't otherwise do.
       [2] Adults tend to associate peer pressure with negative behaviours such as wearing distasteful clothing,skipping classes,or alcohol and drug abuse.Parents may be worried that teens will get carried away and try risky things under peer pressure.
       [3] Generally,it is teenagers with very few friends or poor self-esteem that succumb to peer pressure.These teens might think that the only way they will be accepted in friend groups is by adapting to the behaviour,attitudes,and appearance of their friends.Teens who can get the balance right between being oneself and fitting in with a friend group tend to manage peer influence better.
       [4] When friends invite them to do something out of line,teenagers should assess the risk and think about the possible consequences before jumping into it.They should ask themselves if they are comfortable doing something they are being pressurised to do.If they are uncomfortable,they should politely decline the invitation.Teens who have a strong sense of values know where to draw the line when it comes to assessing risks.
       [5] Learning to cope with peer pressure and holding onto one's beliefs are important steps in the process of growing up.
       [6] Here are some ways in which parents and teachers can help teens handle peer influence.
       ? Parents should stay connected with their children and keep the communication channels open.This can help make teens feel comfortable if they need to share anything.
       ? Teens should be encouraged to form a strong safety network from different sources such as people at school,sports teammates and family members.This will give them options and support if peer pressure becomes intolerable.
       ? Teachers should help teens build up their self-esteem.This will make them have the confidence to make their own decisions independently.
       [7] Peer pressure can also influence teens in a positive manner.As their intellectual and emotional maturity develops,teens can inspire each other to make wiser decisions and discourage each other from making bad choices.They can be influenced by their friends to become more assertive or to get more involved with their studies.
       [8] Positive peer influence can also encourage teens to try physical,creative or other skill-building activities.These activities stimulate the brain and help teens in their character development.
       [9] Teenagers should keep in mind that we are constantly influenced by people around us;however,the decision to act or not is up to us.It is important to hold up to our own values and make sensible decisions.
    (1)Answer the following questions.
    1)What are the negative consequences that adults associate peer pressure with?

    2)Which types of teenagers are affected by peer pressure the most?

    3)What should teenagers do when they feel uncomfortable to do something asked by their friends?

    (2)Find ONE word from the article having the most similar meaning to each of the following words or phrase.
    4)give in to (Paragraph 3)

    5)choices (Paragraph 6)

    6)confident (Paragraph 7)

    (3)Decide whether the following statements are True (T),F(xiàn)alse (F) or the information is Not Given (NG).
    If teenagers do not make friends,they will not develop negative behaviors.
    The ability to cope with peer pressure is a sign of growing up.
    Peer pressure only has a negative impact on teenagers.
    (4)Peter,a F2 student,was found smoking with his friends in a park.Miss Cheng,his class teacher is meeting him and his mother.Match the following speech with the right person according to the information provided in the article.Write 'Peter', 'Peter's mother' or 'Miss Cheung' in the blanks.
    "I should have listened to his sharing and communicated with him more."
    "I will invite him to join more school activities to build up his self-confidence."菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)
    "I did it just because I wanted to be accepted."
    (5)Complete the following summary with words from the passage.Write ONE word for each blank.Make sure your answers are grammatically correct.
    pressure,teens may behave in a way that they would not normally do.To cope with this,teens need to find a
    between being themselves and being part of a peer group.Teenagers should anticipate the
    before taking risks.It is important for them to have a safety network to
    them in times of needs.They also need to learn to uphold their own
    and make wise choices independently.
  • 2.Read the following article and answer the questions.
       Marine Turtles
       [1] Marine turtles travel the world's oceans today,as they have done for around 100 million years,but they have never faced so many threats to their survival as they do now.Despite being determined ocean travellers,turtles need to come ashore to nest and lay their eggs.Although many of the sandy beaches they prefer are protected from poachers,climate change is warming up the sand,and there is evidence that this is changing the sex of some unborn turtles.
       [2] At sea,turtles have always faced natural predators,such as large sharks,but they now face an increasing number of threats from man.The reptiles are hunted for their skin,meat and distinctive shells.Additionally,they can become entangled in fishing gear or struck by ships,as they swim close to the surface of the water.Marine turtles must surface to breathe — if not they will drown.
       [3] Young turtles migrating between feeding areas can cover thousands of miles.Environmental charities claim that turtles contribute to marine ecosystems wherever they go,by keeping sea grass beds and coral reefs healthy.Without their feeding,marine vegetation can become overgrown and sickly,leading to the suffering of other species.
       [4] Sadly,all seven species of marine turtle are in danger of extinction.Hawksbill and leatherback turtles are among the most famous varieties.Hawksbill turtles are much sought after for their beautiful brown and yellow shells that are used to manufacture tortoiseshell items.Leatherback turtles are killed in some places for their meat and precious eggs.
       [5] As marine turtles risk their lives to come onto land to lay their eggs,the odds seems tacked against them.The length of time required to reach maturity and the many natural dangers they face mean that as few as one in 1000 eggs will survive to adulthood.However,environmentalists are working hard to help these hard-headed survivors by protecting beaches. They have also designed turtle-friendly fishing nets successfully and tracking their immense journeys by satellite has helped ships to avoid them.

    (1)Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
    1)According to Paragraph 1,which two problems do marine turtles face when they nest and lay their eggs on sandy beaches?

    2)What natural products are marine turtles hunted for by humans?Give two examples.

    3)According to Paragraph 3,how do marine turtles help to protect marine ecosystem?

    (2)Decide whether the following statements are True (T),F(xiàn)alse (F) or the information is Not Given (NG).
    Marine turtles stay in one place for most of their lives.
    Sharks sometimes eat turtles.
    Hawksbill turtles are more common than leatherbacks.
    (3)Find ONE word from the article having the most similar meaning to each of the following words.
    7)unique (Paragraph 2)

    8)produce (Paragraph 4)

    (4)Some words are underlined in the article.Write down what they refer to.
    9)they (line 1)

    10)this (line 4)

    11)their (line 14)

    12)they (line 18)

    (5)According to Paragraph 1,complete the table below about dangers to marine turtles and solutions to the problems.Fill in each blank with ONE word only.
    Man-made Dangers Man-made Solutions
    taken from sandy beaches
    Protect beaches
    Marine turtles caught in fishing nets Design 14)
    fishing nets
    Being struck by ships Satellite 15)

二、Vocabulary (10 marks)Complete the sentences below with appropriate words from the word box. Each word will be used ONCE only.

  • 3.
    disposable,timid,defend ,distrustful,environmentally-friendly,probably,discard,hateful ,awareness,misunderstanding,terrific ,thoughtful,apologise,charity,recyclable
    (1)Joining the exchange tour to London is a
    opportunity to improve my English.
    (2)It is shameful that some people
    food containers,water bottles and masks along hiking trails when they go hiking.
    (3)Proceeds from the sale of these Christmas cards will go to a local
    which helps the homeless.
    (4)Driving electric cars is an
    way to reduce air pollution.
    (5)You should
    for hiding the truth from her.You should be honest with her.
    (6)The campaign Earth Hour successfully raises the public's
    of light pollution.
    (7)There must be some
    .I have never ordered this dish.
    (8)I often request restaurants not to give me
    cutlery when I order takeaway.
    (9)Trolls post
    messages and comments on the Internet to seek attention.
    (10)Some victims of bullying are too
    to ask for help.

三、Tenses (10 marks)

  • 4.Joseph is describing a frightening experience.Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in brackets.One has been done for you as an example.
    (be) my second day in hospital today.I(2)
    (still suffer) from the shock of seeing my home disappear before my eyes.It is definitely the most terrifying experience that I(3)
    (ever have) in my life.
    (move) to Sunshine Gardens just before the accident happened.I liked it very much because it was surrounded by lots of trees.Also,my flat was located near a small hill.
       However,my joy did not last long.I can still remember the heavy rain on the night that a typhoon(5)
    (sweep) across the island.I(6)
    (watch) a football match on television when there was a sudden crash of thunder.I looked out of the window but I couldn't see anything as it(7)
    (pour) with rain.I had an uneasy feeling earlier that day.I(8)
    (grab) my wallet and ran out of my flat.
       I was stunned when I found out that there had been a landslip from the hill next to my building.The emergency services arrived late as all the major roads had been blocked.By the time my mother arrived at hospital,I had been treated by the doctor.
    (feel) lucky to be alive!And fortunately,the insurance company(10)
    (compensate) my loss in the accident.

四、Conditional sentences (10 marks)Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the verb in brackets. One has been done for you as an example.e.g. If I became (become) a billionaire, I would travel around the world.

  • 5. The picnic will be cancelled if it
    (rain) tomorrow.
  • 6. If it weren't raining,I
    (go) to the beach.
  • 7. If you freeze water,it
    (turn) into ice.
  • 8. Peter has to work today.If he didn't he
    (join) us.

六、Relative clauses (10 marks) (2 marks each)Join the two sentences in each question using defining or non-defining relative clauses. One has been done for you as an example.Examples:Students submit homework on time. They win the prize of Homework Submission Scheme. Students who submit homework on time win the price of Homework Submission Scheme.2E students submit homework on time. They win the prize of Homework Submission Scheme. 2E students, who submit homework on time, win the price of Homework Submission Scheme.

  • 23. My father has sold his car.He bought it two years ago.
  • 24. You just met Thomson this morning.He is the captain of the basketball team.
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